Our Blog

We are passionate about high quality applications

Aug 25

Announcing Rebar Nextp

We have rewritten Universal Relay Boilerplate and Rebar using the 1.0 versions of Material-UI and Relay.

In the last few months two of the technologies we use have reached versions 1.0 with significant amount of improvements and breaking changes. Those are Relay and Material-UI. Because of the huge change that was required we took the opportunity to significantly rewrite URB and Rebar. We reset the version numbering of Universal Relay Boilerplate Next and Rebar Next, to version Here are the major changes:

  • Relay 1.x compatibility.
  • Material-UI 1.x compatibility.
  • Optimized Webpack configuration with chunking.
  • Use of JSS for styling.
  • Switch to use of found as a router.
  • New unit structure.
  • New deployment mechanism using Universal Relay Boilerplate Tools.
  • Use of ESLint, Prettier, Flow and Husky for static type checking and code formatting control.
  • Error messages are rendered through components instead of EJS templates.
  • Account management code is broken down into a larger amount of screens.

While we intend to support the React Native capability down the road, and that capability is still preserved, we have not included the React Native part in the project yet. We have re-created three of the examples and will keep updating them in the future:

  • To Do - simple to do example, cloned and heavily modified from the Relay/found examples.
  • Ensayo - publishing rich text content with SEO using react-rte and Helmet.
  • Translaticiarum - calendar using the react-big-calendar component.
  • Inscriptio - example using Google Maps through react-google-maps.

The previous version is available at Universal Relay Boilerplate Classic.