React Cheatsheet

React Components

Create component with state:

class MyComponenth extends React.Component
  constructor( props )
    super( props );

    this.state = {
      MyStateVariable: "initial value",

Best way to bind events to class in ES6:

class MyComponent extends React.Component
  _handleTouchTap = ( event, item ) =>

  render( )
    return <RaisedButton label="OK" onTouchTap={ this._handleTouchTap } />;

Creating a component only when a condition is satisfied. In the example when the number of completed ToDos is greater than zero, a touchable highlight with button to clear completed is displayed:



  { numCompletedTodos > 0 &&
    <TouchableHighlight onPress={ this._handleRemoveCompletedTodosPress }>
      <Text>Clear completed</Text>



React Router

Link to a new location within the app using React Router:

class MyComponent extends React.Component
  _GoToLocation = ( event, item ) =>
    this.context.router.push( '/my/new/location' );

  render( )
    return <RaisedButton label="Go To New Location" onTouchTap={ this._GoToLocation } />;

MyComponent.contextTypes = {
  router: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,


Create a controlled text box with value in state:

class MyComponentWithTextField extends React.Component
  constructor( props )
    super( props );

    this.state = {
      MyTextBoxValue: 'initial value',

  _handle_onChange_MyTextBox = ( event ) =>
    this.setState( { MyTextBoxValue: } );

  render( )
          value={ this.state.MyTextBoxValue }
          onChange={ this._handle_onChange_MyTextBox }

Easy way to do APIs that support both promises and call backs

const resolvePromise = ( promise, callback ) => {
  if( callback )
    promise.then( value => callback( null, value ), callback )

  return promise

const somethingAsync = ( a, b, c, callback ) =>
    doSomethingAsync( a, b, c ), // Can be any promise-only API

// Now use promises:
somethingAsync( a, b, c ).then( value => {
  // Next step
}, error => {
  // Error handling
} )

// Or call backs:
somethingAsync( a, b, c, ( error, value ) => {
  // One function to handle both success and error.
} )

Source: resolvePromise.js.