List of databases:
DESCRIBE keyspaces;
Detailed list of databases
SELECT * FROM system_schema.keyspaces;
Create database rebar
suitable for development:
WITH replication = {
'replication_factor' : 1
Switch to database rebar
USE rebar;
List of tables:
DESCRIBE tables;
List of columns in a table User
in database rebar
SELECT * FROM system.schema_columns
WHERE keyspace_name = 'rebar'
AND columnfamily_name = 'User';
Create a table:
id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
username varchar,
password varchar,
displayname varchar,
email varchar,
Create an index on a column:
CREATE INDEX User_username_ix
ON User( username );
List details for table rebar
Insert a record into a table with auto-generated UUID:
insert into User( id, username, password, displayName, email )
values( uuid(), 'jack', 'secret', 'Jack', '' );
Insert a record into a table with given UUID:
insert into User( id,
username, password, displayName, email
values( d362e1df-1fa8-466b-b311-af90b2a71e8e,
'jack', 'secret', 'Jack Myuser', ''
Type | Description |
ascii | ASCII character string |
bigint | 8-byte long |
blob | Arbitrary bytes (no validation) |
boolean | true or false |
counter | Counter column (8-byte long) |
decimal | Variable-precision decimal |
double | 8-byte floating point |
float | 4-byte floating point |
int | 4-byte integer |
text | UTF8 encoded string |
timestamp | Date plus time, encoded as 8 bytes since epoch |
uuid | Type 1, or type 4 UUID |
varchar | UTF8 encoded string |
varint | Arbitrary-precision integer |
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