Our Blog

We are passionate about high quality applications

Apr 06


We have updated the Starter Kit with React Native To Do example and better user management.

The Universal Relay Boilerplate, now at version 2.0.0, has the following improvements:

  • Added To Do example to React Native application.
  • Module dependencies have been updated.
  • The change password screen has been modified to display password strength, require entry of current password, and return information whether changing the password has been successful or not.
  • One second delay has been added to both log in and change password screens to impede brute force attacks.
  • Dependencies have been updated to current release versions.
  • Unit user-management has been moved to urb-account-management and the internal structure has been modified to match that of other units.
  • GraphQL errors are logged to Winston.
  • Added credit card icons example.
  • Added more country flags.

We have also updated the material-ui-credit-card-icons and material-ui-country-flags for compatibility with Material-UI 0.15.