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We are passionate about high quality applications

Mar 22


In the 1.0.0 revision of the Starter Kit we finished re-organizing the folder structure. Security has been overhauled making the server less susceptible to attacks. React Native boilerplate has been added also.

Other changes include:

  • Folder structure it is now flatter and simpler. Folders containing only one file being removed and the file moved to upper folder.
  • The naming and location of the different components of the GrpahQL schema have been made more consistent.
  • Viewer field and mutation includes have been moved into their respective units.
  • Theming has been updated and two themes are provided as examples
  • Local schema network layer is used for the server rendering improving both security and performance.
  • Time management functions have been re-written to avoid DST issues.
  • Switching between in-memory and Cassandra persistence is implemented with a setting instead of having to change the source code.
  • All log messages are now passed to Winston.
  • Several bugs related to data loader and data retrieval have been fixed.
  • Self introspection query has been added to the GraphiQL examples.
  • ESLint has been added to the project.
  • ToDo indicator has been moved into a separate component in the ToDo unit.

The release is available on GitHub.