Rebar and URB Development Workstation Setup

Initial Development Machine Setup

The basic setup for web only work is:

For complete development environment setup on MacOS, follow:

MacOS Developer Setup for React, React Native, Node and Cassandra Development.

Initial Project setup on local machine

In order to set up the project locally, perform the following steps:

Action Notes
git clone Clone from github.
yarn Install node packages.
yarn setup-local Set up default configuration for running the boilerplate.
yarn update-default-persister memory Optional - if you wish to try it without Cassandra, use this command to switch to an in-memory persister.

In addition to the above, you might want to specify JWT_SECRET by modifying the .env file. This step can be skipped if you do not care about the actual security and simply want to get the project running. In order to use the URB tools, set export URB_HOME="/<your local folder for URB>/urb" in etc/profile.

Running in development mode

In order to develop, three servers need to be started: web server, webpack server, React Native packager. This can be done with one command: yarn dev. Alternatively, if you need to develop only for the web you can use yarn devw which only starts the web and webpack servers.

To open the app:

To run the iOS app in the emulator:

Configuring Cassandra/Elassandra locally


Configuring Dynamodb locally with Docker

Other databases

Instructions for other databases will be added as support for those is added.