
Every rebar application consists of units. All units are stored in the units/ directory. The reserved prefixes for units are:

The postfixes of the names of the units are:

Prefixes are important and have to be specified correctly. No other prefixes can be used.

The _configuration directory is also available in the units directory and contains project-specific assets used to configure the units.

One single unit of functionality can be broken out into multiple units depending on where the code is executed. For example, the Inscriptio example contains the following units:

All Units

The following files have special meaning:

Server Unit

A server unit has postfix -server and contains code executed on the server. Special files and directories:

Client Unit

A client unit has postfix -client and contains code executed both in the web client and the react native client. Special files and directories:

Web Client Unit

A web client unit has postfix -webapp and contains code executed within the web client. Special files and directories: